Isnin, 3 Februari 2020


Kampong Laut mosque was built by a group of missionaries who on their way to Malay Archipelago to spreading Islam religion here. But when their on the way, their ship was leaked and had to faced lots of problems before arrived at the destination, because the leaked become more worse their hope that the ship can docked safely. So the missionaries make a prayer and swear if them still save alive, them will build a mosque at the place them docked to remember all the memories and the incidents them had to face. Once their prayer was revealed at kampong Laut in Tumpat so the group of missionaries build the mosque like their say before docked. Their built mosque right after the ship docked. The original location of this mosque is at a village and near a river, but in 1966 kampung Laut faced a heavy flood which is make half of the mosque washed away from that disasters. After that the villagers make a decision to move the mosque to a save and far from the river. The decision was made to make sure and keep save the value and the history thing. At first, the mosque was completed with basic structure which is just have 4 poles and 3 level ‘rumbia’ leaves roofs. But the special about this mosque is when the missionaries want to build, them did not use a single nails and use a special technics called ‘tebuk pasak’ technics. In 1988 the mosque need to renovate and add more modern facility like electronic hosepipe, toilet, and more space to sit and rest also, the walls and pols are decorated by woodcarving, tiles roofs and now the width of the area is 13 times more bigger than the old mosque .Location of the mosque right now is at kampong Nilam Puri which is at Kota Kharu in Kelantan. The mosque is infront of Kampus Akademik Pengajian Islam University Malaya.

Image result for masjid kampung laut"

Image result for masjid kampung laut"


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