Khamis, 6 Februari 2020


Maziah castle is beautiful building that have two floor. This castle be the epitome of greatness this state and the located near the Shahbandar garden and also the Payang market. The design of Maziah castle is heritage the grandeur that invaluable. This place held ceremonial of the coronation and official ceremony the state of Terengganu Darul Iman. 

                                 Main door of the museum by: ASWANI

                                       Istana Maziah area  by: ASWANI

Among them is circumcision, piercing, the wedding and also celebration for main guest of the state. According of the history, this castle  established on the reign of Sultan Zainal Abidin III. Construction this castle is to replace the Green castle that had burnt. The materials used for build this castle are mix of lime, clay, sand and salt, egg white and sweet treats. Almost 20 people involved to build Maziah castle.

This castle was build according the architecture of French be people proud of Terengganu because this place was happens a lot of events the glorious history of institution the roylal state of Terengganu in long time ago. This beautiful castle at near by Princess Hill have experienced a lot of changes according the time passage. But peculiarities this castle still reserved. 

                    BY: NURUL ASWANI 

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