Jumaat, 7 Februari 2020


This mosque was built by Al-Marhum Sultan Zainal Abidin 2 between 1793-1808 years. The construction is from wood but during reign by Al-Marhum Sultan Umar, in 1852 the construction this build from wood replace with brick. Once again this building modified in 1901 during the reign of Sultan Zainal Abidin 3, This mosque enlarged to accommodate the pilgrims that more people everydays. Next, the stone pillars round also built  and 3 tower is raised. The privilegers of this mosque is have the art like engraving calligraphy, prayers and beautiful door. Beside that, this mosque also  have a unique pulpit. The beginning, this mosque do not have many pillars at middle side. Just have a dome has been made separate from wood, the roof made with diamond wood and have 6 pool. During the reign of Sultan Zainal Abidin 3,this mouque was dilated like just now.

                            Masjid Abidin view

                         Main door Masjid Abidin

Before add the columns in the middle side, just have wall that made from cement. In 1881, Sultan Ahmad II Ibni the president Muda Tengku Mahmud has developed the dome this mosque to replace the old dome has been built during the reign of Sultan Umar. The one of ceremonial was held at 7:00 a.m o’clock, Saturday 1th Jamadil Akhir 1298H (1881M). The cannon release 16 shots to tell the people the dome this mosque ready to use.

                          Fence of Masjid Abidin


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