Bank pitih is a old stonework which is in front of Istana Balai Besar Kota Bharu’ main door. This building was built when Sultan Ahmad III’ be a ruling (Long Kundur Bin Sultan Ahmad from 1889 to 1890). The main purpose this building is to be a place to keep ‘pitih-pitih’ which in kelantan dialect mean is money for that state expenses.
This building shape is rectangle with 12feet wide and 12 feet high. The doors make using ‘kayu cengal’ and with 3 safety lock with is made from metal. With sultan Kelantan’s order, on 1903s Sultan Muhammad IV had send ‘pohon duit’ to Siam’s King or it now known as Thailand. On that time kelantan is one of the country that is being protected by Siam. ‘pohon duit’ is also known as ‘pohon pitis’. Based on kelantan’s dialect ’pohon is prefer to tree while pitis is refer to money. Based on Kelantan history they use pitis as their currency until 1920. Pohon pitis which is from Kelantan is made from tin that contain 13 coins that use Chinese molds that been introduce by Chinese tradesman. On the surface of coins was written “ Thuriba Fi Zul-Hijjah Sanat 1321” which means months Of hijjah 1903 and on its back was written “ Belanjaan kerajaan Kelantan”. It is to confirm that it was official currency of kelantan’s kingdom.
![Image result for bank pitis kota bharu"](https://live.staticflickr.com/5642/30231998321_87719a75ea_b.jpg)
![Image result for pohon pitis kelantan"](https://www.mrjocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/mesin_duit_01.jpg)
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